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Nedelja 31.12.2023:

Dear friends!

Just after the birth of Jesus the church gives us to contemplate the holy family gathering at the temple of Jerusalem to perform the rites prescribed by the Law. Jesus is a Jewish child, welcomed as such into the chosen people.

However, the meeting with the old man Simeon tells us that he is more than just a child. He is the child of promise, the savior of the chosen people and of all nations.

It’s good to remind ourselves that since the promise to Abraham, the Lord has remained faithful to his people.

It’s good to understand that what was for a few, is for all. Jesus, Maria and Joseph bring us into their family. And Jesus, rather than leaving us at the door, gives us full access to the meeting with his divine Father.

Contemplating the Holy Family is discovering that we are called to meet the living God who comes toward us. We are all called in faith to become members of the life of Christ, adoptive brothers and sisters.

The joy of the Christmas season lies in the movement by which God in Jesus Christ becomes close to each of us. From now, men and women are no longer alone in their lives. They have a family and that changes everything.

This is why cristians try to experience his blood family as a place of meeting with God. He honors his parents even if they don’t believe, and try to fund himself his own family which respects the life received and shares it for free.

Brothers and sisters, this day of celebration invites us as the theme of this pilgrimage of trust to build a road to walk following Mary and Joseph together with Christ. Let’s listen, watch and walk together.



Dragi prijatelji!

Takoj po Jezusovem rojstvu nam Cerkev ponuja razmislek o sveti družini, ki se je zbrala v jeruzalemskem templju, da bi opravila obrede, predpisane s Postavo. Jezus je judovski otrok, ki je kot tak sprejet v izvoljeno ljudstvo.

Vendar nam srečanje s starcem Simeonom pove, da je več kot le otrok. Je otrok obljube, odrešenik izvoljenega ljudstva in vseh narodov.

Dobro se je spomniti, da je Gospod od obljube Abrahamu dalje ostal zvest svojemu ljudstvu.

Dobro je razumeti, da je to, kar je bilo namenjeno peščici, namenjeno vsem. Jezus, Marija in Jožef nas pripeljejo v svojo družino. In Jezus, namesto da bi nas pustil pred vrati, nam omogoči popoln dostop do srečanja s svojim božjim Očetom.

Razmišljanje o Sveti družini pomeni odkriti, da smo poklicani, da se srečamo z živim Bogom, ki nam prihaja naproti. Vsi smo v veri poklicani, da postanemo del Kristusovega življenja, posinovljeni bratje in sestre.

Veselje božičnega časa je v gibanju, s katerim se Bog v Jezusu Kristusu približa vsakemu od nas. Odslej moški in ženske v svojem življenju niso več sami. Imajo družino in to vse spremeni.

Zato si kristjani prizadevamo, da bi svojo krvno družino doživljali kot kraj srečanja z Bogom. Kristjan spoštuje svoje starše, tudi če ti ne verujejo, in si poskuša ustvariti lastno družino, ki spoštuje prejeto življenje in ga deli zastonj.

Bratje in sestre, ta dan praznovanja nas vabi, da kot temo tega “romanja zaupanja” zgradimo pot po kateri bomo hodili z Marijo in Jožefom skupaj za Kristusom.

Poslušajmo, opazujmo in hodimo skupaj.


Ponedeljek 1.1.2024:

Let’s look at Mary in the manger.

She is not the leading role: It’s Jesus.

However, without her, nothing could happen.

She is the mother of God according to the flesh and our mother to each.

Not afraid to ask Her for the help you need to be with Jesus, daughter and son of the Father.

Let’s trust her the peace in our hearts, between the nations throughout the world.

Oh Mary, Mother of God and mother of all peoples, pray for us.



Oglejmo si Marijo v jaslih.

Ona ni v glavni vlogi: Jezus je v glavni vlogi.

Vendar se brez je ne bi moglo nic zgoditi.

Ona je Božja mati po mesu in naša mati za vsakega od nas.

Ne bojte se je prositi za pomoč, ki jo potrebujete, da bi bili z Jezusom.

Zaupajmo ji mir v naših srcih, med narodi po vsem svetu.

O, Marija, Mati Božja in mati vseh ljudi, prosi za nas.






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